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发布时间:2024-11-08 08:06    浏览次数:
通信地址:郑州市文化路95号, 河南农业大学生命科学学院
1. 动物能量代谢调控的分子机制。目前主要研究项瘦素对POMC基因的表达调控。瘦素抗性对许多疾病的致病有重要作用,如肥胖,II型糖尿病,高血压和冠心病。瘦素是由脂肪组织细胞分泌的一种激素样蛋白质,它对中枢的调节作用可以使动物减少摄食和增加能量消耗。在正常情况下,瘦素通过血脑屏障进入大脑,结合并激活瘦素受体(OB-Rb)。激活的OB-Rb 打开JAK2-STAT3信号通路,从而调节控制食欲的和能量代谢的一些神经肽。但是,大多数肥胖者血浆及脑脊液瘦素水平往往较高,因为此时瘦素信号传导通路受阻,所以瘦素丧失了对中枢的调节作用,从而不能影响生理活动。POMC是下丘脑内一个关键的神经肽。研究发现,在瘦素刺激下,OB-Rb 信号通路激活,其中STAT3通过SP1位点激活POMC基因的启动子。在瘦素抵抗时, FoxO1绑定到STAT3上并阻止STAT3与SP1/POMC启动复合物的互动,从而抑制STAT3介导的瘦素活性。研究还表明瘦素信号传导受阻可以发生在STAT3磷酸化和STAT3进入细胞核的下游,这可能是瘦素抗性的一个潜在新型机制;此外,在早期营养编程的仔鼠,POMC启动子上的SP1位点发生了过甲基化,造成POMC表达障碍,动物食欲增强和成年期的代谢紊乱。
2. 动物基因工程在畜牧业生产中的应用。目前主要的研究内容是利用乳腺细胞系和纳米技术生产猪多价高效新型疫苗。为解决我国猪的重大传染病防治存在的问题,利用动物乳腺细胞系和纳米技术大量生产具有精确、微量、高效、纯化、安全和节省动物免疫潜力的新型多价高效疫苗。利用乳腺组织特异性启动子组建表达载体,控制多顺反子病毒基因在乳腺细胞系中高效表达;纯化后的产物进行免疫原性与保护性实验;利用纳米技术处理纯化的目的产物,研制出猪重大病毒性传染病新型多价高效疫苗。

1. Xiaomei Zhang, Ran Yang, Yan Jia, Demin Cai, Bo Zhou, Xiaoli Qu, Huihua Han, Liang Xu, Linfeng Wang, Yanan Yao, and Guoqing Yang(通讯作者). Hypermethylation of Specificity Protein 1 Binding Site Suppresses Hypothalamic Proopiomelanocortin in Neonates and May Contribute to Metabolic Disorders in Adults: Impact of Maternal Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acids. Diabetes. 2014; 63(5):1475–1487..
2. Demin Cai, Hongji Li, Bo Zhou, Liqiang Han, Xiaomei Zhang, Guoyu Yang(通讯作者), Guoqing Yang(通讯作者). Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation caused reduction of perilipin1 and aberrant lipolysis in epididymal adipose tissue. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012; 422(4):621-6.
3. Phing-How Lou, Guoqing Yang, Lu Huang, Yunxia Cui, Tiffany Pourbahrami, George K. Radda, Cai Li, and Weiping Han. Reduced Body Weight and Increased Energy Expenditure in Transgenic Mice Over-Expressing Soluble Leptin Receptor. PLoS One; 2010; 5(7): e11669.
4.Jia You , Yue Yu , Lei Jiang , Wenxia Li , Xinxin Yu , Lety Gonzalez , Guoqing Yang , Zunji Ke , Wenjun Li , Cai Li , Yong Liu. Deficient signaling through intracellular Tyr985 of leptin receptor confers susceptibility to adult-onset or diet-induced obesity. Molecular and cellular biology. 2010; Apr 30(7) 1650-1659.
5.Guoqing Yang, Chun-Yan Lim, Chao Li, Theolynn Go, Weihong Pan, Christian Bjorbaek, Xinmin Cao, George K. Radda*, Cai Li, Weiping Han. FoxO1 inhibits leptin regulation of pro-opiomelanocortin promoter activity by blocking STAT3 interaction with specificity protein 1. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009; 284(6):3719-27.
6. Lei Jiang, Jia You, Xinxin Yu, Lety Gonzalez, Yue Yu, Qiong Wang, Guoqing Yang, Wenjun Li, Cai Li, and Yong Liu. Tyrosine-dependent and -independent actions of leptin receptor in control of energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2008; 105(47): 18619-18624.
7. Kaiying Guo, Julie E. McMinn, Thomas Ludwig, Yi-Hao Yu, Guoqing Yang, Lulu Chen, Daniella Loh, Cai Li, Streamson Chua, Jr. and Yiying Zhang. Disruption of peripheral leptin signaling in mice results in hyperleptinemia without associated metabolic abnormalities. Endocrinology. 2007; 148(8): 3987-97.
8. Paul Cohen(第一作者), Guoqing Yang(第一作者), Xinxin Yu, Alexander A. Soukas, Cara S. Wolfish, Jeffrey M. Friedman, Cai, Li. Induction of leptin receptor expression in the liver by leptin and food deprivation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005; 280(11), 10034-10039.
9. Hongfei Ge, Guoqing Yang, Xinxin Yu, Tiffany Pourbahrami, and Cai Li. Oligomerization state-dependent hyperlipidemic effect of angiopoietin-like protein 4. Journal of Lipid Research. 2004; 45, 2071-2079.
10. Guoqing Yang, Hongfei Ge, Ann Boucher, Xinxin Yu. and Cai Li. Modulation of Direct Leptin Signaling by Soluble Leptin Receptor. Molecular Endocrinology. 2004; 18(6), 1354-1362.
11. Hongfei Ge, Guoqing Yang, Lu Huang, Daniel L. Motola, Tiffany Pourbahrami, and Cai Li. Oligomerization and Regulated Processing of Angiopoietin-like Protein 4. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004; 279(3), 2038-2045.
12.Yunxia Cui, Lu Huang, Florent Elefteriou, Guoqing Yang, John M. Shelton, Jerald E. Giles, Orhan K. Oz, Tiffany Pourbahrami, Christopher Y. H. Lu, James A. Richardson, Gerard Karsenty, and Cai Li. Essential Role of STAT3 in Body Weight and Glucose Homeostasis. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2004; 24(1), 258-269.
13. Guoqing Yang and Noboru Fujihara. Long-term Proliferation of Chicken Primordial Germ Cells Cultured in Vitro. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 1999; 45(2), 161-166.
14. Guoqing Yang and Noboru Fujihara. Survival and Proliferation of Refined Chicken Circulating Primordial Germ Cells Cultured in Vitro. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 1999; 45(2), 177-181.
15. Guoqing Yang, Yunping Dai, Baoli Zhu, Yongfu Cheng and Shunzhang Qi. Cloning of 5'regulatory element of bovine b-lactoglobulin gene and its utilization in generation of mammy bioreactors. Science in China (Series C). 1996; 39 (6), 662-669.
