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通信地址:河南省郑州市文化路95号, 河南农业大学生命科学学院
邮箱地址: liuwenxuan@henau.edu.cn
2010.09-现在  河南农业大学生命科学学院教授,从事植物分子细胞遗传学研究。
2008.11-2010.08    美国堪萨斯州立大学小麦遗传与基因组资源研究中心,从事小麦亲缘种属抗病基因发掘与利用研究。得到两个抗杆锈新基因Sr51和Sr53和一个小麦条纹花叶病毒抗性基因Wsm3。
2003.07-2008.10    美国密西西比州立大学,研究:(1) 高粱重要基因及RFLP序列的细胞分子作图。(2)Taxodium distichum (水杉)基因组BAC库的创建,鉴定及应用。
2000.11-2003.06    上海大学生命科学学院研究员。细胞及分子生物学实验室植物方向负责人,担任《遗传学》、《基因工程原理》、《现代生物技术导论》等课程教学,从事分子标记及辅助选择、品质相关基因及特异启动子克隆与遗传转化研究。 
1984.09-2000.10    河南省农科院副研究员,河南省植物脱毒研究开发中心主任,从事小麦遗传转化、分子标记及细胞工程育种,以及甘薯、马铃薯、大蒜脱毒快繁及产业化研究。


1. Huanhuan Li, Zhenjie Dong, Chao Ma, Xiubin Tian, Zhiguo Xiang, Qing Xia, Pengtao Ma, Wenxuan Liu (2019) Discovery of powdery mildew resistance gene candidates from Aegilops biuncialis chromosome 2Mb based on transcriptome sequencing. PLoS ONE 14(11):e0220089
2. Huanhuan Li, Zhenjie Dong, Chao Ma, Xiubin Tian, Zengjun Qi , Nan Wu, Bernd Friebe , Zhiguo Xiang , Qing Xia, Wenxuan Liu and Tianya Li (2019) Physical mapping of stem rust resistance gene Sr52 from Dasypyrum villosum based on ph1b-induced homoeologous recombination. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (19) 4887
3. Liu W, Koo D, Xia Q, Li C, Bai F, Song Y, Friebe F, Gill BS (2017) Homoeologous recombination-based transfer and molecular cytogenetic mapping of powdery mildew-resistant gene Pm57 from Aegilops searsii into wheat. Theor Appl Genet 130 (4): 841-848
4. Liu W, Koo D, Bernd Friebe B, Gill BS (2016) A set of Triticum aestivum-Aegilops speltoides Robertsonian translocation lines. Theor Appl Genet 129:2359-2368
5. Koo D, Liu W, Friebe F, Gill BS (2017)  Homoeologous recombination in the presence of Ph1 gene in wheat. Chromosoma 126(4):531-540
6. Danilova T, Zhang G., Liu W, Friebe F, Gill BS (2017) Homoeologous recombination-based transfer and molecular cytogenetic mapping of a wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus resistance gene Wsm3 from Thinopyrum intermedium to wheat. Theor Appl Genet 130(3):549-556
7.Liu W, Danilova T, Rouse M, Bowden R, Friebe B, Gill BS, Pumphrey MO (2013) Development and characterization of a compensating wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Robertsonian translocation with Sr44 resistance to stem rust (Ug99). Theor Appl Genet 126:1167-1177
8. Liu W, Jin Y, Rouse M, Friebe B, Gill BS, Pumphrey MO (2011) Development and characterization of wheat-Ae. searsii Robertsonian translocations and a recombinant chromosome conferring resistance to stem rust. Theor Appl Genet 122:1537-1545
9. Liu W, Rouse M, Friebe B, Jin Y, Gill BS, Pumphrey MO (2011) Discovery and molecular mapping of a new gene conferring resistance to stem rust, Sr53, derived from Aegilops geniculata and characterization of spontaneous translocation stocks with reduced alien chromatin. Chromosome Res 19:669-682
10. Liu W, Seifers DL, Qi L, Friebe B, and Gill BS (2011) A compensating wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Robertsonian translocation conferring resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus. Crop Science 51:2382-2391
11. Liu W, Thummasuwan S, Sehgal SK, Chouvarine P, and Peterson DG (2011) Characterization of the genome of bald cypress. BMC Genomics 12:553-565
4.《作物遗传育种工程技术》,河南科学技术出版, ISBN7-5349-2579-7/S.611,2000


1. 甘薯脱毒快繁及其产业化应用研究,河南省科技进步三等奖,2003
2. 冬小麦单倍体植株半浸根法染色体加倍技术创新,河南省科技进步二等奖,1996
3. 大麦抗白粉病基因直接导入小麦的研究,河南省科技进步三等奖,1994
4. 冬小麦花药培养技术的研究及应用,农业部科技进步三等奖,1989