通信地址:郑州市文化路95号, 河南农业大学生命科学学院
1998.9-2001.7 厦门大学,理学硕士学位
2001.9-2004.11 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,理学博士学位
2004.12-2006.11 北京生命科学研究所,博士后
2006.12-2008.9 耶鲁大学,博士后
2008.10-2009.12 北京生命科学研究所,博士后
2010.01-2014.05 弗吉尼亚大学,副研究员(Senior research scientist)
2014.06-至今 河南农业大学,教授
2. miRNA调控植物生长发育及逆境胁迫
1.Xu YF, Zhang ZR, Lu P, Li RQ, Ma PP, Wu JY, Li T*, Zhang HY*. Increasing Fusarium verticillioides resistance in maize by genomics-assisted breeding: methods, progress, and prospects. The Crop Journal, 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2023.07.004.
2. Ma PP, Liu EP, Zhang ZR, Li T, Zhou ZJ, Yao Wen, Chen JF, Wu JY, Xu YF*, Zhang HY*. Genetic variation in ZmWAX2 confers maize resistance to Fusarium verticillioides. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2023, 21:1812-1826.
3. Li T#, Li HJ#, Lian HM, Song PY, Wang YL, Duan J, Song ZQ, Cao Y, Xu DQ, Li JG, Zhang HY*. SICKLE represses photomorphogenic development of Arabidopsis seedlings via HY5- and PIF4-mediated signaling. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2022, 64:1706-1723.
4. Xu YF#, Wang RJ#, Ma PP, Cao JS, Cao Y, Zhou ZJ, Li T, Wu JY, Zhang HY*. A novel maize microRNA negatively regulates resistance to Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2022, 23:1446-1460.
5. Ma PP#, Li HJ#, Liu EP, He KW, Song YX, Dong CP, Wang Z, Zhang XC, Zhou ZJ, Xu YF, Wu JY, Zhang HY*. Evaluation and Identification of Resistance Lines and QTLs of Maize to Seedborne Fusarium verticillioides. Plant Disease, 2022, 106: 2066-2073.
6. Jia LH, Yao W*, Jiang YR, Li Y, Wang ZZ, Li HR, Huang FF, Li JM, Chen TT, Zhang HY*. Development of interactive biological web applications with R/Shiny. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, 23: bbab415.
7. Li T, Lian HM, Li HJ, Xu YF, Zhang HY*. HY5 regulates light-responsive transcription of microRNA163 to promote primary root elongation in Arabidopsis seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021, 63:1437-1450.
8. Zhou ZJ#, Cao Y#, Li T, Wang XH, Chen JF, He H, Yao W, Wu JY*, Zhang HY*. MicroRNAs Are Involved in Maize Immunity Against Fusarium verticillioides Ear Rot. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2020, 18: 241-255.
9. Song ZQ, Zhang LF, Wang YL, Li HX, Zhao HJ, Zhang HY*. Constitutive expression of miR408 improves biomass and seed yield in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 8:2114.
10. Wang YL, Wang YQ, Song ZQ, Zhang HY*. Repression of MYBL2 by both microRNA858a and HY5 Leads to the Activation of Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Pathway in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 2016, 9:1395-1405.
11. Wang YP, Zhou ZJ, Gao JY, Wu YB, Xia ZL, Zhang HY*, Wu JY*. The Mechanisms of Maize Resistance to Fusarium verticillioides by Comprehensive Analysis of RNA-seq Data. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:1654.
12. Sun SX, Xiao JF, Zhang HY*, Zhang Z*. Pangenome evidence for higher codon usage bias and stronger translational selection in core genes of Escherichia coli. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7:1180.
13. Hao LL, et al., Zhang HY*, He H*, Hu SN*, Zhang Z*. Information Commons for Rice (IC4R). Nucleic Acid Research, 2016, 44: D1172-1180.
14. Gong FP, Wu XL, Zhang HY, Chen YH, Wang W. Making better maize plants for sustainable grain production in a changing climate. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 835-840.
15. Huang LF, Zhang HC, Zhang HY, Deng XW, Wei N. HY5 regulates nitrite reductase 1 (NIR1) and ammonium transporter1;2 (AMT1;2) in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Science, 2015, 238: 330-339.
16. Zhang HY#, Zhao X#, Li JG, Cai HC, Deng XW, Li L. MicroRNA408 Is Critical for the HY5-SPL7 Gene Network That Mediates Coordinated Response to Light and Copper. Plant Cell, 2014, 26:4933-4953.
17. Zhang HY, Li L. SQUAMOSA Promoter Binding Protein-Like 7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 2013, 74:98-109.
18. Zhang HY, Deng XW, Li L. Analysis of allele-specific gene expression using a target-oriented tiling microarray assay. Meth. Mol. Biol. 2013, 1067:65-76.
19. Zhao X#, Zhang HY#, Li L. Identification and analysis of the proximal promoters of microRNA genes in Arabidopsis. Genomics, 2013, 101:187-194.
20. Yang XZ#, Zhang HY#, Li L. Alternative mRNA processing increases the complexity of microRNA-based gene regulation in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 2012, 70: 421-431.
21. Feng XY, Peng ZY, Fu X, Zhang HY, Li SG, Deng XW, Fan LM. Similarity and distinction between organ-specific gibberellin-modulated genome expression between Arabidopsis and rice. Environ. Exp. Bot. 2012, 78:127-137.
22. Yang XZ, Zhang HY, Li L. Global analysis of gene-level microRNA expression in Arabidopsis using deep sequencing data. Genomics, 2011, 98:40-46.
23. Zhang HY#, He H#, Wang XC, Wang XF, Yang XZ, Li L, Deng XW. Genome-wide mapping of the HY5-mediated gene networks in Arabidopsis that involve both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulations. Plant Journal, 2011, 65:346-358.
24. Li JG, Li G, Gao S, Martinez C, He GM, Zhou ZZ, Huang X, Lee JH, Zhang HY, Shen YP, Wang HY, Deng XW. Arabidopsis transcription factor Elongated Hypocotyl5 plays a role in the feedback regulation of phytochrome A signaling. Plant Cell, 2010, 22: 3634-3649.
25. He GM, Zhu X, Elling AA, Chen L, Wang XF, Guo L, Liang MZ, He H, Zhang HY, Chen F, Qi YJ, Chen RS, Deng XW. Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell, 2010, 22:17-33.
26. He H#, Zhang HY#, Wang XF, Wu N, Yang XZ, Chen RS, Li Y, Deng XW, Li L. Development of a versatile, target-oriented tiling microarray assay for measuring allele-specific gene expression. Genomics, 2010, 96: 308-315.
27. Jiao YL, Tausta SL, Gandotra N, Sun N, Liu T, Clay NK, Ceserani T, Chen MQ, Ma LG, Holford M, Zhang HY, Zhao HY, Deng XW, Nelson T. A transcriptome atlas of rice cell types uncovers cellular, functional and developmental hierarchies. Nature Genetics, 2009, 42: 258-263.
28. Peng ZY#, Zhang HY#, Liu TT, Dzikiewicz KM, Li SG, Wang XF, Hu GC, Zhu ZG, Wei XH, Zhu QH, Sun ZX, Ge S, Ma LG, Li L, Deng XW. Characterization of the genome expression trends in the heading-stage panicle of six rice lineages. Genomics, 2009, 93: 169-178.
29. Zhang HY#, He H#, Chen LB, Li L, Liang MZ, Wang XF, Liu XG, He GM, Chen RS, Ma LG, Deng XW. A Genome-Wide Transcription Analysis Reveals a Close Correlation of Promoter INDEL Polymorphism and Heterotic Gene Expression in Rice Hybrids. Molecular Plant, 2008, 1: 720-731.
30. Liu YF, Wang F, Zhang HY, He H, Ma LG, Deng XW. Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development. Plant Journal, 2008, 55: 844-856.
31. Chen H, Zhang JY, Neff MM, Hong SW, Zhang HY, Deng XW, Xiong LM. Integration of light and abscisic acid signaling during seed germination and early seedling development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2008, 105: 4495-4500.
32. Menon S#, Chi HB#, Zhang HY, Deng XW, Flavell RA, Wei N. COP9 signalosome subunit 8 is essential for peripheral T cell homeostasis and antigen receptor-induced entry into the cell cycle from quiescence. Nature Immunology, 2007, 8: 1236-1245
33. Liu B, Chen ZY, Song XW, Liu CY, Cui X, Zhao XF, Fang J, Xu WY, Zhang HY, Wang XJ, Chu CC, Deng XW, Xue YB, Cao XF. Oryza sativa Dicer-like4 Reveals a Key Role for Small Interfering RNA Silencing in Plant Development. Plant Cell, 2007, 19: 2705-2718.
34. Chen HD, Shen YP, Tang XB, Yu L, Wang J, Guo L, Zhang Y, Zhang HY, Feng SH, Strickland E, Zheng N, Deng XW. Arabidopsis CULLIN4 Forms an E3 Ubiquitin Ligase with RBX1 and the CDD Complex in Mediating Light Control of Development. Plant Cell, 2006, 18: 1991-2004.
35. Zhang HY, Xie XZ, Xu YZ, Wu NH. Isolation and functional assessment of a tomato proteinase inhibitor II gene. Plant Physiol. Bioch. 2004, 42: 437-444.