
发布时间:2023-11-11 17:38    浏览次数:
姓名: 王旭   
通信地址:河南省郑州市农业路63号, 河南农业大学生命科学学院
2016/09-至今     河南农业大学,生命科学学院,微生物学系,任教,硕士生导师
2014/03–2015/03 美国农业部 National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, USDA-ARS,Peoria, Illinois, USA,分子生物学专业,联合培养博士生
2011/09–2016/06 四川农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士学位
2008/09–2011/06 四川农业大学,微生物学专业,硕士学位
2004/09–2008/06 西华大学,生物工程专业,学士学位
本   科:《微生物学》、《生物技术概论》
专   科:《食品微生物学》
1. Wang X, Chen J, Liu N, Fu ZQ. Dual Functions of a Stable Peptide against Citrus Huanglongbing Disease. Trends in Plant Science 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2021.04.006  (SCI, IF=22.012, 中科院1区,top期刊)
2. Liu N ,  Chen H ,  Wang X , Wang DW, Fu ZQ. TIRggering cell death via two enzymatic reactions[J]. Molecular Plant, 2022, 15(8):3. (SCI, IF=21.949, 中科院1区,top期刊)
3. Wenli Huang, Huiyu Feng, Wenying Tu, Chuan Xiong, Xin Jin, Ping Li, Xu Wang*(通讯作者),Qiang Li*. Comparative Mitogenomic Analysis Reveals Dynamics of Intron Within and Between Tricholoma Species and Phylogeny of Basidiomycota[J]. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12:120-. (SCI, IF=4.379)
4. Li Q, Li L, Feng H, Tu YH, Bao ZJ, Xiong C, Wang X*(通讯作者), Qiong Y*, Huang WL*. Characterization of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Basidiomycete Yeast Hannaella oryzae: Intron Evolution, Gene Rearrangement, and Its Phylogeny[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:1144-. (SCI, IF=5.640)
5. Liu Z, Vermillion K, Jin C, Wang X, Zhao W. NMR Study on the Oxidation of Vegetable Oils for Assessing the Antioxidant Function of Trehalose[J]. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2021:102134.
6. Cheng J, Luo Q, Ren YH, Luo Z, Liao WL, Wang X*(通讯作者), Li Q*. Panorama of intron dynamics and gene rearrangements in the phylum Basidiomycota as revealed by the complete mitochondrial genome of Turbinellus floccosusApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2021:1-16. doi:10.1007/s00253-021-11153-w
(SCI, IF=3.530)
7. Wang X, Song AD, Wang FQ, Chen MY, Li X, Li Q, Liu N. The 206 kbp mitochondrial genome of Phanerochaete carnosa reveals dynamics of introns, accumulation of repeat sequences and plasmid-derived genes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020, 162:209-219. (SCI, IF=5.162, 中科院1区,top期刊)
8. Wang X, Jia LH, Wang MD, Yang H, Chen MY, Li X, Liu HU, Li Q, Liu N. The complete mitochondrial genome of medicinal fungus Taiwanofungus camphoratus reveals gene rearrangements and intron dynamics of Polyporales. Scientific Reports 2020, 10:16500, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73461-x   (SCI, IF=3.998)
9. Wang X, Wang YJ, Yao W, Shen JW, Chen MY, Gao M, Ren JN, Li Q, Liu N. The 256 kb mitochondrial genome of Clavaria fumosa is the largest among phylum Basidiomycota and is rich in introns and intronic ORFs. IMA Fungus 2020, 11(1):26.
(SCI, IF=3.636)
10. Li XL, Li LJ, Bao ZJ, Tu WY, He XH, Zhang B, Ye L, Wang X*(通讯作者), Li Q*. The 287,403 bp Mitochondrial Genome of Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Tuber calosporum Reveals Intron Expansion, tRNA Loss, and Gene Rearrangement. Frontiers in Microbiology 2020, 11. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.591453 (SCI, IF=5.640)
11. Wang X, Wang MD, Liu XY, Tan AL, Liu N. Mitochondrial genome characterization and phylogenetic analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus sp. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 2020, 5(1):810-811. (SCI, IF=0.885)
12. Wang X, Liu N. Mitochondrial genome characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Blastocladiella sp. (Blastocladiales: Blastocladiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 2020, 5(1):800-801. (SCI, IF=0.885)
13. Liu ZL, Wang X, Weber SA. Tolerant industrial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae posses a more robust cell wall integrity signaling pathway against 2-furaldehyde and 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde. Journal of Biotechnology 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.04.002. (SCI, IF=3.503)
14. Wang X, Liu ZL, Zhang XP, Ma MG. A new source of resistance to 2-furaldehyde from Scheffersomyces (Pichiastipitis for sustainable lignocellulose-to-biofuel conversion. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017, 101(12):4981-4993. (SCI, IF=3.340)
15. Wang X, Ma MG, Liu ZL, Xiang QJ, Li X, Liu N, Zhang XP. GRE2 from Scheffersomyces Stipitis as an aldehyde reductase contributes tolerance to aldehyde inhibitors derived from lignocellulosic biomass. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2016, 100(15): 6671-6682. (SCI, IF=3.420)
16. Wang X, Liu ZL, Weber SA, Zhang XP. Two new native beta-Glucosidases from Clavispora NRRL Y-50464 confer its dual function as cellobiose fermenting ethanologenic yeast. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(3):0-e0151293. (SCI, IF=2.806)
17. Liu ZL, Wang X. A reference model system of industrial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is needed for development of the next-generation biocatalyst toward advanced biofuels production. Microbial and Biochemical Technology 2015, 07(6).
18. Zhao XX, Tang J, Wang X, Yang RH, Zhang XP, Gu YF, Li X, Ma MG. YNL134C from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel protein with aldehyde reductase activity for detoxification of furfural derived from lignocellulosic biomass. Yeast 2015, 32(5). (SCI, IF=2.259)
19. Li X, Yang RH, Ma MG, Wang X, Tang J, Zhao XX, Zhang XP. A Novel Aldehyde Reductase Encoded by YML131W from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Confers Tolerance to Furfural Derived from Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion. Bioenergy Research 2015, 8(1):119-129. (SCI, IF=3.309)
20. Liu N, Liu Z L, Gong GS*, Zhang M, Wang X, Zhou Y, Qi XB, Chen HB, Yang JZ, Luo PG, Yang CP. Virulence structure of Blumeria graminis f. sp tritici and its genetic diversity by ISSR and SRAP profiling analyses, Plos One 2015, 10(6). (SCI, IF=3.057)
21. Liu N, Lei Y, Gong GS*, Zhang M, Wang X, Zhou Y, Qi Xiaob, Chen HB, Yang JZ, Chang XL, Liu K. Temporal and spatial dynamics of wheat powdery mildew in Sichuan Province, China, Crop Protection 2015, 74: 150-157. (SCI, IF=2.381)
22. Ma MG#*, Wang X#. Alcohol dehydrogenases from Scheffersomyces stipitis involved in the detoxification of aldehyde inhibitors derived from lignocellulosic biomass conversion. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2013, 97(18):8411-8425. (SCI, IF=3.810)
23. Wang X, Liu ZL, Weber SA. Cellobiose fermenting yeast produces varied forms of native β-glucosidase. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. 2017.
24. Liu N, Gong GS, Zhang M, Zhou Y, Wang X, et al. Epidemic dynamic of wheat powdery mildew in Ya’an, China (2007-2012). Congress of Plant Pathology. 2014. 
25. Liu N, Gong GS, Zhang M, Zhou Y, Wang X, et al.One generation propagation distance of wheat powdery mildew and the influence of intercropping on the disease development. 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology. 2013.
26. Liu N, Gong GS*, Zhang M, Chen ZX, Zhou Y, Lei Y, Qi XB, Yang JZ, Chen HB, Wang X. Population genetic structure of  Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in Sichuan province, China. Disease Risk and Food Security-Proceedings of the 13th International Cereal Rust and Powdery Mildew Conference. 2012.
27. 王旭, 侯华伟, 司玲玉, 杨森,陈红歌. 漆酶对纤维素酶催化作用的影响.河南农业大学学报2018.52(2):244-248.
28. 王旭,向文良,冯玮. 多黏菌素E研究进展.现代农业科学 2009.16(1):23-25.
29. 雷雨,刘娜,龚国淑,张敏,王旭. 四川西南部小麦白粉菌群体毒性及遗传多样性分析.植物病理学报 2015.45(5):509-519.
30. 赵珂, 徐宽, 陈强,王旭. 几种野生药用植物内生放线菌的遗传多样性及抗菌活性. 四川农业大学学报 2011, 29(02):225-229.
31. 刘松青,江华明,关统伟,戚珊珊,辜运富,赵珂,王旭,张小平. 青藏高原甘西鼠尾草内生放线菌抗性菌株筛选. 中国中药杂志 2013, 38(19):3256-3260.
32. 王旭, 刘娜, 王明道, 刘新育,王风芹,林晖. 将微生物学研究热点融入农林院校课堂及效果评价. 高校生物学教学研究(电子版) 2020年10卷1期, 34-38页, 2020.
33. 刘娜, 王旭*(通讯作者), 邢国珍, 石永春,夏宗良,郑文明. 将生物化学前沿研究融入教学课程的相关探讨. 科教文汇(下旬刊) 2018年8月.

1. 主持:纤维素乙醇生产菌株构建及发酵性能研究,河南省科技攻关项目,2020/12-2022/12,在研;
2. 主持:河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(A类),工业酵母呋喃醛脱毒基因簇的发掘及功能研究(22A180002),2022/01-2023/12,在研;
3. 主持:林木资源利用过程中有益微生物的作用解析,河南农业大学青年英才项目,50万,2022/10-2027/10,在研;
4. 主持:河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(B类),树干毕赤酵母中OPR1基因对呋喃醛类物质的脱毒效应研究(18A180015),2018/01-2019/12,已结题;
5. 主持:河南农业大学博士科研启动基金,真菌中脱除木质纤维素水解液副产物相关基因的鉴定及效应研究(30601634),2017/04-2020/04,已结题;
6. 主持:河南农业大学科技创新基金,Clavispora NRRL Y50464 中呋喃醛转化基因簇的发掘及脱毒机制研究(KJCX2019A16),2019/01-2021/12,在研;
7. 参与:小麦与叶锈菌互作过程的转录组分析,河南省高等学校重点科研项目,201801-201912,已结题,第2名;
8. 参与:河南省小麦叶锈菌群体毒性及遗传多样性分析,河南省高等学校重点科研项目,201701-201812,已结题,第2名;
9. 参与:小麦抗叶锈病基因资源发掘和种质创制,河南省科技攻关项目,201801-201912,已结题,第2名;
10. 参与:小麦叶锈病侵染早期互作的分子机制研究,河南省自然基金,201801-202012,已结题,第2名;
11. 参与:黄淮海夏玉米养分高效品种筛选与利用技术研究,国家重点研发项目子课题,201807-202007, 在研,第3名;
12. 树干毕赤酵母GRP2.2基因的呋喃醛脱毒效应研究,省级大学生创新创业训练立项项目,201906-202006,指导教师;
13. OYE基因家族在树干毕赤酵母呋喃醛脱毒中的新功能研究,省级大学生创新创业训练立项项目,202006-202106,指导教师;