
通信地址:河南省郑州市农业路63号, 河南农业大学生命科学学院
2012-2022“中国酶工程专业委员会委员”,国家自然科学基金评审专家、FEBS Letters、Global Research Journals of Microbiology,生物物理学报、食品与生物技术学报等评审专家。主持国家自然科学基金、河南省重点科技攻关等项目。发表JBC、Int J Biol Macromol , Int. J. Mol. Sci. Plos One、BMC Biotechnology、Process Biochemistry、BBRC等SCI论文。
全校硕/博士研究生《生物信息学 Bioinformatics》/《基因工程 Genetic engineering》;生命学院本科生《基因工程》。09年《基因工程》“校级精品课程”,10年出版《基因工程原理与实验指导 Principle of genetic engineering and experiment guide》,11/12年网上好评。
研究领域 (Research direction) :
从国家粮食安全问题入手,针对发酵工业、饲料业、农产品精深加工业中生物催化的关键酶类——木聚糖酶为模式分子, 开展酶分子“生物信息学研究(bioinformatics research)”和“理性改造 (rational engineering)”工作。进而开展连接酶、同源重组酶,针对基因重组、合成生物学、基因组编辑基本问题——DSB(double-stranded break)无缝(scarless)修复研究,达到“提高催化活性、提高转化效率、节约能源”目的。
科研项目 (Projects):
主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目(Natural Science Foundation of China, 31771915):“基于同源/非同源结构置换的木聚糖酶-葡聚糖酶结构元件功能解析”(Functional analysis of structural elements based on homologous and non-homologous substitution between xylanase and glucanase, 2018-2021)主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目(Natural Science Foundation of China, 31371831):“基于结构分析的嗜热CBM 拆分-易位-组合融合对木聚糖酶稳定性-活性影响”(Effect of thermophilic CBM disassembling-swapping-combinational fusing on xylanase stability-activity, 2014-2017)
主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目(Natural Science Foundation of China, 3097212):“基于pH相关氨基酸定位分析的双功能木聚糖酶耐酸性突变研究” (pH stability mutational research of bi-functional xylanase based on position analysis of related amino acids, 2010-2012)
主持:河南省重点科技攻关:“饲料用葡聚糖酶-木聚糖酶双功能酶耐酸性分子改造” (2010-2012)
[1] Xuegang Li, Jiacheng Jin, Wenxuan Xu, Mingdao Wang, Liangwei Liu, Abortive ligation intermediate blocks seamless repair of double-stranded breaks. Int J Biol Macromol, 2022, 209:1498-1503.
[2] Xuegang Li, Jiacheng Jin, Zhanyong Guo, Liangwei Liu, Evolution of plasmid-construction. Int J Biol Macromol, 2022,209:1319-1326.
[3] 邵玉强, 金家铖, 李雪刚, 刘亮伟. 大量–高纯–高浓度DNA的制备[J]. Production of DNAs in Large-Quantity, High-Purification, and High-Concentration 微生物前沿, 2022, 11(2): 67-74. https://doi.org/10.12677/AMB.2022.112008
[4] 郑园霞, 张毅, 李雪刚, 刘亮伟. 荧光Cy5DNA 扩增及酶切产物分离-检测[J]. Amplification of Fluorescent Cy5DNA and Separation-Detection of Digestion Product, 微生物前沿, 2022, 11(4):241-250. DOI: 10.12677/amb.2022.114030
[1] Yaping Liang, Yu Zhang, Liangwei Liu, Intra-Molecular Homologous Recombination of
Scarless Plasmid, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 1697; doi:10.3390/ijms21051697.
[1] 梁亚萍; 程晋生; 刘亮伟; 5’端与3’端间同源长度对质粒构建的影响, 河南科学, 2018,36(09):1383-1387. LIANG Yaping,CHENG Jinsheng,LIU Liangwei, Length Effect of Homologous 5’- and 3’-end on Plasmid Construction, Henan Science. 2018,36(09):1383-1387.
[2] Yang, Ang; Cheng, Jinsheng; Liu, Meng; Shangguan, Yunjie; Liu, Liangwei. Sandwich fusion of CBM9_2 to enhance xylanase thermostability and activity. Int J Biol Macromol, 2018,117: 586-591.
[3] 上官云杰; 梁亚萍; 杨昂; 程晋生; 黄亚威, 同源引物的非等量PCR, 河南科学, 2018, 36(03), 326-333. SHANGGUAN Yunjie, LIANG Yaping, YANG Ang, CHENG Jinsheng,HUANG Yawei1, LIU Liangwei, Homologous Primer Unequal PCR, Henan Science. 36(03), 326-333.
[1] 黄亚威,贺添艳,杨昂,上官云杰,徐文选,刘亮伟,双退火温度PCR扩增DNA”,微生物学报,2017,57(8): 1262-1269. Huang Y, Yang A, Shangguan Y, He T, Xu W, Liu L. Amplification of DNA with double annealing temperature PCR. Acta Microbiologica Sincia. 2017, 57(8):1-8.
[1] Wenxuan Xu, Yajuan Liu, Yanxin Ye, Meng Liu, Laichuang Han, Andong Song, Liangwei Liu*, C-Terminal carbohydrate-binding module 9_2 fused to the N-terminus of GH11 xylanase from Aspergillus niger, Biotechnology Letters, 38(10), 1739-1745,
[2] 贺添艳 刘亚娟 徐文选 刘猛 刘亮伟,T4 DNA连接酶性质及其平端连接功能,《河南科学》2016, 34,1058-1062. He Tianyan, Liu Yajuan, Xu Wenxuan, Liu Meng, Liu Liangwei, Property and Blunt End Ligation Function of T4 DNA Ligase, Henan Science. 34, 1058-1062.
[3] 刘猛 刘亚娟 徐文选 贺添艳 刘亮伟,长片断引物反向PCR方法构建重复序列的重组质粒,《河南科学》2016,501-505. M Liu, Y Liu, W Xu, T He, L Liu. Construction of recombinant plasmid containing repeated sequence by megaprimer reverse PCR Henan Science. 34, 501-505 (2016).
[4] 刘亚娟 刘猛 徐文选 贺添艳 刘亮伟,PEG影响pET20b质粒转化率,《淮阴工学院学报》2016, 25(3):30-33. LIU Yajuan,LIU Meng,XU Wenxuan,HE Tianyan,LIU Liangwei, Transformation Efficiency of pET20b Plasmid Affected by PEG, 2016, 25(3):30-33.
[1] 马闪闪 韩来闯 刘亚娟 刘猛 刘亮伟,CBM2蛋白的高密度自诱导:《中国农学通报》2015,18:140-145. Ma Shanshan, Han Laichuang, Liu Yajuan, Liu Meng, Liu Liangwei, High Density Self-induction of CBM2. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015,18:140-145.
[2] 韩来闯 马闪闪 刘亚娟 刘猛 刘亮伟,构建重组质粒的二步PCR方法,《河南科学》2015, 8:1321-1325. Han L, Ma S, Liu Y, Liu M, Liu L. Construction of recombinant plasmid by two-step PCR. Henan Science, 2015, 33(8): 1321-1325.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Linmin Wang, Zhang Zhang, Suya Wang, and Hongge Chen. Effect of codon message on xylanase thermal activity. J. Biol. Chem, 287(32): 27183-27188. 2012.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Xiaofeng Sun, Pengfei Yan, Linmin Wang, Hongge Chen. Non-structured amino-acid impact on GH11 differs from GH10 xylanase. PLOS ONE, 7(9): e45762. 2012.
[3] Liangwei Liu, Long Chen, Hui Tian, Li Zhao. Using signal peptide prediction with caution, a case study in Aspergillus niger xylanase. Process Biochem, 47: 2527–2530, 2012.
[4] Liangwei Liu, Linmin Wang, Zhang Zhang, Xiaodan Guo, Xiangqian Li, Hongge Chen. Domain-swapping of mesophilic xylanase with hyper-thermophilic glucanase. BMC Biotechnology, 12:28, 2012,
[5] Liangwei Liu, Lingyu Zeng, Suya Wang, Jie Cheng, Xiangqian Li, Andong Song, Kun Wu, Hongge Chen. Activity and thermostability increase of xylanase following transplantation with modules sub-divided from hyper-thermophilic CBM9_1-2. Process Biochem, 47:853-857, 2012.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Guoqiang Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Suya Wang, and Hongge Chen. Terminal amino-acids disturb xylanase thermostability and activity. J Biol Chem, 286:44710-44715, 2011.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Jie Cheng, Hongge Chen, Xiangqian Li, Suya Wang, Andong Song, Mingdao Wang, Bao Wang, Jinwen Shen. Directed evolution of a mesophilic fungal xylanase by fusion of a thermophilic bacterial carbohydrate-binding module. Process Biochem; 46: 395-398, 2011
刘亮伟,程洁,陈红歌,木聚糖酶碳水化合物结合结构域研究进展,生物工程学报,2010, 26:290-296. Liu L, Cheng J, Chen H. Xylanase carbohydrate binding module: recent developments. Chin J Biotech, 2010, 26(3): 290–296.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Bao Wang, Hongge Chen, Suya Wang, Mingdao Wang, Shimin Zhang, Andong Song, Jinwen Shen, Kun Wu, Xincheng Jia. Rational pH-engineering of the thermostable xylanase based on computational model. Process Biochem; 44:912-915. 2009,
[1] Liangwei Liu,Hongping Dong, Suya Wang, Hongge Chen, Weilan Shao. Computational analysis of dipeptides correlated with the optimal temperature in G/11 xylanase. Process Biochem 2006;41:305–311.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Minglei Wang, Weilan Shao and Weijiang Li. A novel model to determine the dipeptides responsible for optimum temperature in F/10 xylanase. Process Biochem 2005;40:1389–1394.
[3] Liangwei Liu, Hongge Chen, Xincheng jia. The influence of secondary structure content on thermostability of F/10 xylanase. J Biotech, 136:s201, 2008
[4] Liangwei Liu. The Eleventh China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Enzyme Engineering November 5-8, 2010, Chengdu, China,
[5] Liangwei Liu, Xiangqian Li, Xun Li and Weilan Shao. Computational analysis of responsible dipeptides for optimum pH in G/11 xylanase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 321: 391– 396.
[6] Liangwei Liu, Jue Zhang, Bin Chen and Weilan Shao. Principle component analysis in F/10 and G/11 xylanase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004;322:277–80.
[1] Xuegang Li, Jiacheng Jin, Wenxuan Xu, Mingdao Wang, Liangwei Liu, Abortive ligation intermediate blocks seamless repair of double-stranded breaks. Int J Biol Macromol, 2022, 209:1498-1503.
[2] Xuegang Li, Jiacheng Jin, Zhanyong Guo, Liangwei Liu, Evolution of plasmid-construction. Int J Biol Macromol, 2022,209:1319-1326.
[3] 邵玉强, 金家铖, 李雪刚, 刘亮伟. 大量–高纯–高浓度DNA的制备[J]. Production of DNAs in Large-Quantity, High-Purification, and High-Concentration 微生物前沿, 2022, 11(2): 67-74. https://doi.org/10.12677/AMB.2022.112008
[4] 郑园霞, 张毅, 李雪刚, 刘亮伟. 荧光Cy5DNA 扩增及酶切产物分离-检测[J]. Amplification of Fluorescent Cy5DNA and Separation-Detection of Digestion Product, 微生物前沿, 2022, 11(4):241-250. DOI: 10.12677/amb.2022.114030
[1] Yaping Liang, Yu Zhang, Liangwei Liu, Intra-Molecular Homologous Recombination of
Scarless Plasmid, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 1697; doi:10.3390/ijms21051697.
[1] 梁亚萍; 程晋生; 刘亮伟; 5’端与3’端间同源长度对质粒构建的影响, 河南科学, 2018,36(09):1383-1387. LIANG Yaping,CHENG Jinsheng,LIU Liangwei, Length Effect of Homologous 5’- and 3’-end on Plasmid Construction, Henan Science. 2018,36(09):1383-1387.
[2] Yang, Ang; Cheng, Jinsheng; Liu, Meng; Shangguan, Yunjie; Liu, Liangwei. Sandwich fusion of CBM9_2 to enhance xylanase thermostability and activity. Int J Biol Macromol, 2018,117: 586-591.
[3] 上官云杰; 梁亚萍; 杨昂; 程晋生; 黄亚威, 同源引物的非等量PCR, 河南科学, 2018, 36(03), 326-333. SHANGGUAN Yunjie, LIANG Yaping, YANG Ang, CHENG Jinsheng,HUANG Yawei1, LIU Liangwei, Homologous Primer Unequal PCR, Henan Science. 36(03), 326-333.
[1] 黄亚威,贺添艳,杨昂,上官云杰,徐文选,刘亮伟,双退火温度PCR扩增DNA”,微生物学报,2017,57(8): 1262-1269. Huang Y, Yang A, Shangguan Y, He T, Xu W, Liu L. Amplification of DNA with double annealing temperature PCR. Acta Microbiologica Sincia. 2017, 57(8):1-8.
[1] Wenxuan Xu, Yajuan Liu, Yanxin Ye, Meng Liu, Laichuang Han, Andong Song, Liangwei Liu*, C-Terminal carbohydrate-binding module 9_2 fused to the N-terminus of GH11 xylanase from Aspergillus niger, Biotechnology Letters, 38(10), 1739-1745,
[2] 贺添艳 刘亚娟 徐文选 刘猛 刘亮伟,T4 DNA连接酶性质及其平端连接功能,《河南科学》2016, 34,1058-1062. He Tianyan, Liu Yajuan, Xu Wenxuan, Liu Meng, Liu Liangwei, Property and Blunt End Ligation Function of T4 DNA Ligase, Henan Science. 34, 1058-1062.
[3] 刘猛 刘亚娟 徐文选 贺添艳 刘亮伟,长片断引物反向PCR方法构建重复序列的重组质粒,《河南科学》2016,501-505. M Liu, Y Liu, W Xu, T He, L Liu. Construction of recombinant plasmid containing repeated sequence by megaprimer reverse PCR Henan Science. 34, 501-505 (2016).
[4] 刘亚娟 刘猛 徐文选 贺添艳 刘亮伟,PEG影响pET20b质粒转化率,《淮阴工学院学报》2016, 25(3):30-33. LIU Yajuan,LIU Meng,XU Wenxuan,HE Tianyan,LIU Liangwei, Transformation Efficiency of pET20b Plasmid Affected by PEG, 2016, 25(3):30-33.
[1] 马闪闪 韩来闯 刘亚娟 刘猛 刘亮伟,CBM2蛋白的高密度自诱导:《中国农学通报》2015,18:140-145. Ma Shanshan, Han Laichuang, Liu Yajuan, Liu Meng, Liu Liangwei, High Density Self-induction of CBM2. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015,18:140-145.
[2] 韩来闯 马闪闪 刘亚娟 刘猛 刘亮伟,构建重组质粒的二步PCR方法,《河南科学》2015, 8:1321-1325. Han L, Ma S, Liu Y, Liu M, Liu L. Construction of recombinant plasmid by two-step PCR. Henan Science, 2015, 33(8): 1321-1325.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Linmin Wang, Zhang Zhang, Suya Wang, and Hongge Chen. Effect of codon message on xylanase thermal activity. J. Biol. Chem, 287(32): 27183-27188. 2012.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Xiaofeng Sun, Pengfei Yan, Linmin Wang, Hongge Chen. Non-structured amino-acid impact on GH11 differs from GH10 xylanase. PLOS ONE, 7(9): e45762. 2012.
[3] Liangwei Liu, Long Chen, Hui Tian, Li Zhao. Using signal peptide prediction with caution, a case study in Aspergillus niger xylanase. Process Biochem, 47: 2527–2530, 2012.
[4] Liangwei Liu, Linmin Wang, Zhang Zhang, Xiaodan Guo, Xiangqian Li, Hongge Chen. Domain-swapping of mesophilic xylanase with hyper-thermophilic glucanase. BMC Biotechnology, 12:28, 2012,
[5] Liangwei Liu, Lingyu Zeng, Suya Wang, Jie Cheng, Xiangqian Li, Andong Song, Kun Wu, Hongge Chen. Activity and thermostability increase of xylanase following transplantation with modules sub-divided from hyper-thermophilic CBM9_1-2. Process Biochem, 47:853-857, 2012.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Guoqiang Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Suya Wang, and Hongge Chen. Terminal amino-acids disturb xylanase thermostability and activity. J Biol Chem, 286:44710-44715, 2011.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Jie Cheng, Hongge Chen, Xiangqian Li, Suya Wang, Andong Song, Mingdao Wang, Bao Wang, Jinwen Shen. Directed evolution of a mesophilic fungal xylanase by fusion of a thermophilic bacterial carbohydrate-binding module. Process Biochem; 46: 395-398, 2011
刘亮伟,程洁,陈红歌,木聚糖酶碳水化合物结合结构域研究进展,生物工程学报,2010, 26:290-296. Liu L, Cheng J, Chen H. Xylanase carbohydrate binding module: recent developments. Chin J Biotech, 2010, 26(3): 290–296.
[1] Liangwei Liu, Bao Wang, Hongge Chen, Suya Wang, Mingdao Wang, Shimin Zhang, Andong Song, Jinwen Shen, Kun Wu, Xincheng Jia. Rational pH-engineering of the thermostable xylanase based on computational model. Process Biochem; 44:912-915. 2009,
[1] Liangwei Liu,Hongping Dong, Suya Wang, Hongge Chen, Weilan Shao. Computational analysis of dipeptides correlated with the optimal temperature in G/11 xylanase. Process Biochem 2006;41:305–311.
[2] Liangwei Liu, Minglei Wang, Weilan Shao and Weijiang Li. A novel model to determine the dipeptides responsible for optimum temperature in F/10 xylanase. Process Biochem 2005;40:1389–1394.
[3] Liangwei Liu, Hongge Chen, Xincheng jia. The influence of secondary structure content on thermostability of F/10 xylanase. J Biotech, 136:s201, 2008
[4] Liangwei Liu. The Eleventh China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Enzyme Engineering November 5-8, 2010, Chengdu, China,
[5] Liangwei Liu, Xiangqian Li, Xun Li and Weilan Shao. Computational analysis of responsible dipeptides for optimum pH in G/11 xylanase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 321: 391– 396.
[6] Liangwei Liu, Jue Zhang, Bin Chen and Weilan Shao. Principle component analysis in F/10 and G/11 xylanase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004;322:277–80.
主要荣誉及成果 (Honors):
教学 (Education):
1. 08年度河南农业大学“教书育人”先进个人
2. 09年河南省“教学技能竞赛二等奖”
3. 09年河南农业大学校级精品课程:《基因工程》
4. 09年河南农业大学校级教学成果奖二等奖:“《基因工程》实践教学法研究”
5. 09年河南农业大学第二届大学生实验创新计划“优秀指导教师”
6. 12年河南省优秀硕士论文指导老师
科研 (Research):
1.河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文壹等奖:“《the influence of secondary content on thermostability of F/10 xylanase》”,(2010.4)
2.河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:“《Computational analysis of di-peptides correlated with the optimal temperature in G/11 xylanase》”,(2010.4)
3.河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:Computational analysis of responsible dipeptides for optimum pH in G/11 xylanase(2006.7)
4.河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:Principle component analysis in F/10 and G/11xylanase(2006.7)
1. 08年度河南农业大学“教书育人”先进个人
2. 09年河南省“教学技能竞赛二等奖”
3. 09年河南农业大学校级精品课程:《基因工程》
4. 09年河南农业大学校级教学成果奖二等奖:“《基因工程》实践教学法研究”
5. 09年河南农业大学第二届大学生实验创新计划“优秀指导教师”
6. 12年河南省优秀硕士论文指导老师
科研 (Research):
1.河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文壹等奖:“《the influence of secondary content on thermostability of F/10 xylanase》”,(2010.4)
2.河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:“《Computational analysis of di-peptides correlated with the optimal temperature in G/11 xylanase》”,(2010.4)
3.河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:Computational analysis of responsible dipeptides for optimum pH in G/11 xylanase(2006.7)
4.河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖:Principle component analysis in F/10 and G/11xylanase(2006.7)