
发布时间:2024-11-15 15:05    浏览次数:
职称:校聘副教授 ,硕士生导师          
通讯地址:河南省郑州市郑东新区平安大道218号 河南农业大学生命科学学院
2003.09—2007.06 华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院 植物科学与技术专业 学士学位
2007.09—2015.06 华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院 作物遗传育种专业 博士学位

1. Li Y, Tu LL, Ye ZX, Wang MJ, Gao WH, Zhang XL. A cotton fiber-preferential promoter, PGbEXPA2, is regulated by GA and ABA in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34(9): 1539-1549.(第一作者)
2. Li Y, Tu LL, Pettolino FA, Ji SM, Hao J, Yuan DJ, Deng FL, Tan JF, Hu HY, Wang Q, Llewellyn DJ, Zhang XL. GbEXPATR, a species-specific expansin, enhances cotton fibre elongation through cell wall restructuring. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2016, 14(3): 951-963.(第一作者)
3. Jia L1#, Li Y1#, Huang F, Jiang Y, Li H, Wang Z, Chen T, Li J, Zhang Z, Yao W*. LIRBase: a comprehensive database of long inverted repeats in eukaryotic genomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50(D1):D174-D182. (共第一作者)
4. Zhou Z, Liu C, Qin M, Li W, Hou J, Shi X, Dai Z, Yao W, Tian B, Lei Z*, Li Y*, Wu Z*. Promoter DNA hypermethylation of TaGli-γ-2.1 positively regulates gluten strength in bread wheat. Journal of Advanced Research, 2022, 36:163-173. (共通讯作者)
5. Li H, Chen T, Jia L, Wang Z, Li J, Wang Y, Fu M, Chen M, Wang Y, Huang F, Jiang Y, Li T, Zhou Z, Li Y*, Yao W*, Wang Yihan*. SoybeanGDB: A comprehensive genomic and bioinformatic platform for soybean genetics and genomics. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2023, 21:3327-3338. (共通讯作者)
6. Li Y*, Fu M, Li J, Wu J, Shua Z, Chen T, Yao W, Huai D*. Genome-wide identification of SWEET genes reveals their roles during seed development in peanuts. BMC Genomics, 2024, 25(1):259. (第一作者兼共通讯作者)
7. Wang Z, Cao J, Lin N, Li J, Wang Y, Liu W, Yao W, Li Y*. Origin, evolution, and diversification of the expansin family in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25(21):11814.(通讯作者)
8. Wang Y, Jia L, Tian G, Dong Y, Zhang X, Zhou Z, Luo X, Li Y, Yao W*. shinyCircos-V2.0: Leveraging the creation of Circos plot with enhanced usability and advanced features. iMeta, 2023, 2(2):e109.(参与作者)
9. Jia L#, Yao W#*, Jiang Y, Li Y, Wang Z, Li H, Huang F, Li J, Chen T, Zhang H*. Development of interactive biological web applications with R/Shiny. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, 23(1):bbab415.(参与作者)
10. Huang F, Jiang Y, Chen T, Li H, Fu M, Wang Y, Xu Y, Li Y, Zhou Z, Jia L, Ouyang Y, Yao W*. New Data and New Features of the FunRiceGenes (Functionally Characterized Rice Genes) Database: 2021 Update. Rice 2022, 15(1):23.(参与作者)
11. Yao W*, Li Y, Xie W, Wang L. Features of sRNA biogenesis in rice revealed by genetic dissection of sRNA expression level. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18:3207-3216.(参与作者)
12. Huai D, Xue X, Li Y, Wang P, Li J, Yan L, Chen Y, Wang X, Liu N, Kang Y, Wang Z, Huang Y, Jiang H, Lei Y*, Liao B*. Genome-wide identification of peanut KCS genes reveals that AhKCS1 and AhKCS28 are involved in regulating VLCFA contents in seeds. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11(406).(参与作者)
13. Wang X, Yu C, Liu Y, Yang L, Li Y, Yao W, Cai Y, Yan X, Li S, Cai Y, Yan X, Li S, Cai Y, Li S, Peng X. GmFAD3A, a ω-3 fatty acid desaturase gene, enhances cold tolerance and seed germination rate under low temperature in rice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(15), 3796.(参与作者)
14. Deng FL, Tu LL, Tan JF, Li Y, Nie YC, Zhang XL. GbPDF1 is involved in cotton fiber initiation via the core cis-element HDZIP2ATATHB2. Plant Physiology, 2012, 158(2): 890-904.(参与作者)
15. Wang MJ, Yuan DJ, Gao WH, Li Y, Tan JF, Zhang XL. A comparative genome analysis of PME and PMEI families reveals the evolution of pectin metabolism in plant cell walls. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (8):e72082.(参与作者)
16. Tang WX, He YH, Tu LL, Wang MJ, Li Y, Ruan YL, Zhang XL. Down-regulating annexin gene GhAnn2 inhibits cotton fiber elongation and decreases Ca2+ influx at the cell apex. Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 85 (6): 613-625.(参与作者)
17. Yuan DJ, Tang ZH, Wang MJ, Gao WH, Tu LL, Jin X, Chen LL, He YH, Zhang L, Zhu LF, Li Y, Liang QQ, Lin ZX, Yang XY, Liu N, Jin SX, Lei Y, Ding YH, Li GL, Ruan XA, Ruan YL, Zhang XL. The genome sequence of Sea-Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) provides insights into the allopolyploidization and development of superior spinnable fibres. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:17662.(参与作者)
18. , 董志坚. 《烟草科技》“烟草农学”WOS数据库被引论文分析[J]. 烟草科技, 2018 , 51(1): 103-110.
19. 胡海燕, 刘迪秋, 李允静, , 涂礼莉. 一个棉花纤维伸长期优势表达启动子pGhFLA1的克隆与鉴定[J]. 作物学报, 2017, 43(06): 849-854.
20. 张剑锋, , 金静静, 等. 烟草叶绿体基因工程研究进展[J]. 烟草科技, 2017, 50(6): 88-98.

1. 涂礼莉, , 张献龙, 朱龙付, 邓锋林. “两个棉花纤维伸长期优势表达的启动子及应用”。专利号:CN102485894A
2. 张献龙, , 涂礼莉, 袁道军. “棉花细胞壁伸展蛋白基因GbEXPATR及应用”。专利号:CN103789325A
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2. 河南农业大学, 李阳, 苏炜凯, 曹金彪, 等. 用于绘制海盗图的交互式程序ShinyPiratePlot软件. 登记号:2023SR1816419.
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7. 李阳, 姚文, 王志展, 等. 一个用于绘制维恩图的R/Shiny交互式应用程序shinyVenn软件. 登记号:2020SR0929555.

