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通讯地址:河南省郑州市郑东新区平安大道218号 河南农业大学生命科学学院
2017.11-至今 河南农业大学 生命科学学院 遗传与细胞生物系 讲师,副教授;
2013.09-2016.07 中国农业科学院 作物科学研究所 种质资源学专业 博士学位;
2010.09-2013.07 河南农业大学 农学院 作物遗传育种专业 硕士学位;
2006.09-2010.07 河南农业大学 农学院 种子科学与工程专业 学士学位。
(1)Li H H, Men W, Ma C, Liu Q, Dong Z, Tian X, Wang C, Liu C, Gill H, Ma P, Zhang Z, Liu B, Zhao Y, Sehgal S, Liu W. Wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm13 encodes a mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein. Nature communications, 2024, 15: 2449. (第一作者,一区,IF = 14.7)
(2)Zhao Y, Dong Z, Miao J, Liu Q, Ma C, Tian X, He J, Bi H, Yao W, Li T, Gill H, Zhang Z, Cao A, Liu B, Li H H*, Sehgal S*, Liu W*. Pm57 from Aegilops searsii encodes a tandem kinase protein and confers wheat powdery mildew resistance. Nature communications, 2024, 15: 4796. (通讯作者,一区,IF = 14.7)
(3)Men W, Fan Z, Zhao Y, Wang C, Tian X, Chen Q, Miao J, He J, Qian J, Sehgal SK, Li H H*, Liu W*. Mapping of the novel powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2Mb from Aegilops biuncialis based on ph1b-induced homoeologous recombination. Theor Appl Genet. 2022, 135(9): 2993-3003.(通讯作者,一区, IF = 5.574)
(4)Li H H# , Dong Z# , Ma C, Xia Q, Tian X, Sehgal S, Koo DH, Friebe B, Ma P, Liu W. A spontaneous wheat-Aegilops longissima translocation carrying Pm66 confers resistance to powdery mildew. Theor Appl Genet. 2020, 133(4): 1149-1159. (第一作者,一区,IF = 5.699)
(5)Dong Z, Tian X, Ma C, Xia Q, Wang B, Chen Q, Sehgal SK, Friebe B, Li H H*, Liu W*. Physical mapping of Pm57, a powdery mildew resistance gene derived from Aegilops searsii. Int J Mol Sci. 2020, 21(1): 322. (通讯作者,二区,IF = 5.924)
(6)Li H H, Tian X, Pei S, Men W, Ma C, Sehgal SK, Zhao Y, Chen Q, Wang B,Dong Z, Xiang Z, Friebe B, Liu W. Development of novel wheat-Aegilops longissima 3S 1 translocations conferring powdery mildew resistance and specific molecular markers for chromosome 3S1. Plant Dis. 2021, 105(10): 2938-2945. (第一作者,一区,IF = 4.614)
(7)Tian X, Chen Q, Ma C, Men W, Liu Q, Zhao Y, Qian J, Fan Z, Miao J, He J, Sehgal S, Li H H*, Liu W*. Development and characterization of Triticum aestivum-Aegilops longissima 6Sl recombinants harboring a novel powdery mildew resistance gene Pm6Sl. Front Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 918508. (通讯作者, 二区,IF = 6.627)
(8)Li H H, Dong Z, Ma C, Tian X, Qi Z, Wu N, Friebe B, Xiang Z, Xia Q, Liu W, Li T. Physical mapping of stem rust resistance gene Sr52 from Dasypyrum villosum based on ph1b-induced homoeologous recombination. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 20(19): 4887. (第一作者,二区, IF = 4.556)
(9)Ma C, Qian J, Feng Y, Sehgal S, Zhao Y, Chen Q, Li H H*, Liu W*. Genetic mapping of a novel gene PmAege7M from Aegilops geniculata conferring resistance to powdery mildew. Plant Dis. 2023, 107: 3608-3615. (通讯作者, 二区,IF = 4.556)
(10)Li H H, Jiang B, Wang J, Lu Y, Pan C, Zhang J, Yang X, Li X, Liu W, Li L. Mapping of novel powdery mildew resistance gene(s) from Agropyron cristatum chromosome 2P. Theor Appl Genet. 2017, 130(1): 109-121. (第一作者,一区, IF = 4.003)